Secretary’s Message

An educational School is meant for the complete Physical, intellectual, emotional, social, aesthetic, moral and spiritual development of pupil-teachers. This institution has made long strides in every sphere and has carved a special niche for itself in the field of education. Being associated with this institution, we are committed to provide a forum to the students and faculty, not only to express their experiences and thoughts but also unfold their hidden talents. The sole mission of this institute is to enable the students not only to make themselves successful in their professional field. I am confident that all the members of staff, who are the back-bone of the EMRS educational institute will work as one team, as they have been working in past, to build a bright future. I am grateful to Principal, Sh. Rajeev Garg for taking the School to new heights. We really wish that people of this remote Tribal & rural area get true education and become better teachers and good citizens.

Principal's Message

1. The academic, social and emotional needs of our students come first.

2. Respect and acceptance for self and others from the foundations of our school. We inspire for all members of our community to value and celebrate the many aspects of individual identity and human diversity.

3. We believe learning is a journey in which obstacles can become opportunities for growth and direction is more important than distance.

4. We replace discouragement with hope by creating a structured systemic and supportive learning environment where students begin & fulfill their academic and social aspirations.

5. We recognize that a clearly articulated, school wide–effective (social &emotional) curriculum is as important as academics.

6. We design our programme and policies using evidence based practices, research and self-evaluation.

7. We are committed to reframing the conversation about education: how students learn, how families are engaged, and how the global community views the acquisition of knowledge